Monday, February 27, 2012

Standing Strong

  • So one of my goals this year is to share my testimony more. I figured this was one great place to do so. And then conveniently in the Ensign I found a section that encouraged me by giving me topics to share my testimony. I know that I am a little behind, but I am starting with January's Ensign questions:
    • What effect does our standing strong have on others?

    • Can you remember a time when your courage and convictions were tested? How did you respond?

    • What can we do to prepare ourselves to stand strong?

    • Standing strong has a major impact on other people. I believe that even if people don't tell you they are watching you and many people are impressed when you stand strong. I wish that I could've stood strong more times in my life. The courage to stand strong is invaluable.

    • I have had many times in my life when my courage and convictions have been tested. I wish that I could say I've always responded how I know I should, but I haven't. I've never walked out of a movie, and I've watched shows that I knew I should turn off, however, I have turned some of them off. And one year in college I had roommates who liked to watch R rated movies and I refused to watch them with my roommates. In fact I found another group of friends to hang out with and spent a lot of time with them. I try to live as I know I should, but I am definitely not perfect.
    • You would think that preparation to stand strong would be easy...standard Sunday School answers: read scriptures, say your prayers, attend church and the temple, etc. however, I think in order to stand strong it requires more than this. It definitely takes courage; it also takes conviction. You have to be willing to do what is right even when it is popular or you might be made fun of, therefore it also requires humility.
    • I often quote to my girls President Hinckley's quote, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." And I believe that is true. Having a testimony is so fundamental to the gospel and to life. I know that when I do stand for my convictions that I am blessed for them and that I become stronger.

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