Sunday, March 7, 2010

Success and Failure

So I've recently learned a little about success and failure. I guess that it is human nature (and Satan's influence) to focus on our failures. I know someone who recently told me that they must be evil, because sometimes they do things they know are wrong. It is so easy to focus on all that we are doing wrong and how we are not meeting the goals that we set for ourselves...and pretty soon, why even work on those goals, since we are not having success with them anyway. But if we really want to be successful in our goals and in our lives, we must take time to celebrate our successes. For example if you ate 2 healthy meals this week, that is a success, yes ultimately you probably want to eat healthy meals all the time, but it is success. If you got to bed on time 3 times this week, that is better than you were doing before you made the goal...focus on that. It also helps to visualize what your life will be like when you have successfully met that goal. It is important when we take stock of all that we need to improve in our lives that we also take stock of all that we are doing good in our lives. It is important to have balance so that we are not always negative, or always failing to see negative.

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