Sunday, May 19, 2013


One of my goals is to become better at writing.  I figure one way to do that is to start writing, so I've been trying to update my blog regularly...anyway, if you ever have any suggestions of how I could be a better writer I would love the information!!!:)  I know writing is very personal, but I know I can get better and I know that people who read this blog can help me in my endeavor, so if you wouldn't mind sending me a message (or telling me in person), commenting on my blog, etc.  I would really appreciate it!:)

1 comment:

  1. I had a history teacher in college who told the class that we should all write every day just so we could be in the habit. I think about that when ever I do my blog posts. Even if they aren't the greatest ones in the world at least I am writing often.


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